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Learner-Centered Solutions
Cooperative Educational Service Agency #1 Logo Mark
Learner-Centered Solutions

Cooperative Educational Service Agency #1

Introducing Our New Brand!

We are excited to launch our new visual brand identity.

Read More on Introducing Our New Brand!

Check Out Our News Feed!

Read More on Check Out Our News Feed!


for all you do for the kids in our region! You make CESA #1 a great place to work!

Act 20 Training and Support

CERI-approved options designed to fit your needs

Read More on Act 20 Training and Support

Leading Learner-Centered Education

Visit the i4PL website

Read More on Leading Learner-Centered Education
Read more on Fall Learning Opportunities

Fall Learning Opportunities

Read more on Women's Leadership Conference

Women's Leadership Conference

Read more on Statewide School-Based OT/PT Conference

Statewide School-Based OT/PT Conference

Upcoming Events

View Events

Become an Educator

Learn more about our Proficiency Based Licensure (PBL) program.

Become an Educator


Opportunities to share and connect with peers across the region.


It's About Kids

Academic alternative programs, support services, staffing and annual student events.

It's About Kids

Building System Capacity

Collaboration and expert support in current areas of need.

Building System Capacity