Program Description
CESA 1 can help educators who completed their preparation outside of Wisconsin meet the statutory license stipulations via online resources and examinations. These stipulations must be met before the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) will remove them from the educator’s license. CESA 1 offers study guides and exams that cover the following stipulations:
Minority Group Relations - All (AKA Human Relations):
- Minority Group Relations: Wisconsin American Indian Bands and Tribes
- Minority Group Relations: Women and Minority History, Culture and Contributions
- Minority Group Relations: Philosophical and Psychological Bases of Attitude Development and Change
- Minority Group Relations: Culturally Relevant Teaching and Implications of Racism and Discrimination. This exam covers the following stipulations:
- The psychological and social implications of discrimination, especially racism and sexism in American society.
- Evaluating and assessing the forces of discrimination, especially racism and sexism, on faculty, students, curriculum, instruction, and assessment in the school program.
- Minority group relations through direct involvement with various racial, cultural, language and economic groups in the United States.
Conflict Resolution: Educators must demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
- Resolving conflicts between pupils and between pupils and school staff.
- Assisting pupils in learning methods of resolving conflicts between pupils and between pupils and school staff, including training in the use of peer mediation to resolve conflicts between pupils.
- Dealing with crises, including violent, disruptive, potentially violent or potentially disruptive situations that may arise in school or activities supervised by school staff as a result of conflicts between pupils or between pupils and other persons.
Environmental Education: Educators must demonstrate knowledge and understanding of environmental education including the conservation of natural resources.
Candidates may take any combination of examinations. Exams are sent as Word documents with links to various readings that will help you answer the questions. No pre-study materials needed. After completing the exam(s), they are returned electronically to CESA 1 where they are scored.
When a candidate successfully passes an exam, a certificate will be emailed. The certificate should be included with the DPI license application materials. Credits are not given for completing these exams.
To Register
Click the "Register for an exam" link on the right.
Last Updated: 8/26/24 |