Legislation regarding Seclusion and Restraint took effect on September 1, 2012. This legislation requires that all schools have at least one staff member trained in appropriate seclusion and restraint techniques.
Non-Violent Crisis Prevention and Intervention training will provide participants with the skills necessary for preventing and defusing disruptive or risk behavior as developed by the Crisis Prevention Institute, which encompasses the core values of Care, Welfare, Safety, and Security of all. Content will include: identifying and responding to a continuum of behavior levels and approaches to reduce the likelihood of risk behavior, ensuring personal safety to avoid injury, implementing appropriate and safe physical intervention, disengagement skills utilizing positive post intervention strategies, and maintaining proper documentation. Initial certification training and annual refresher training is available. Each participant will receive a manual, as well as a certificate upon passing a written exam and successful completion of all phases of instruction. This training can also be offered to staff on-site, in district.