New Pathways
Alternative Program for At-Risk Students in Grades 9—12
New Pathways is an alternative education program for underserved students in grades 9-12. Student options include both credit attainment and GED Option 2. This individualized, self-paced program is specifically targeted toward students who are at-risk of not graduating high school and are in need of either credit attainment to get back on track or the GED Option 2 for graduation.
Ozaukee Community High School
Alternative Program for At-Risk Students in Grades 9—12
Ozaukee Community High School is an alternative education program for underserved students in grades 9- 12. Student options include both credit attainment and GED Option 2. This individualized, self-paced program is specifically targeted toward students who are at-risk of not graduating high school and are in need of either credit attainment to get back on track or the GED Option 2 for graduation.